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- INFO-HAMS Digest Tue, 17 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 772
- Today's Topics:
- 2m amp for sale. Class C (FM), 1.5W in 75W out. New
- AP Wire story on ham license fees
- ARRL, Good vs. Bad hams, QST .........
- ARRL and User Fees
- Building A (Very) Low Cost Repeater
- Help Repeal NJ Scanner Law!
- SSTV software for IBM?
- Starting over - after 30 years
- the un-net on 10M
- WEFAX problems
- Yaesu solves FT-470 Inter-Mod
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 13 Oct 89 15:47:10 GMT
- From: hpl-opus!hpnmdla!glenne@hplabs.hp.com (Glenn Elmore)
- Subject: 2m amp for sale. Class C (FM), 1.5W in 75W out. New
- Bob,
- Why not get a Mitsubishi M57727 25W linear brick? The one in my
- multiband transverter stack makes 50W out linear and will saturate
- above 75W when run from 13.8VDC. I don't have the price list in front
- of me, but I'm sure the Japanese price is $40 or under. RF parts can't
- get more than double that!
- Glenn Elmore -N6GN-
- N6GN @ K3MC
- glenn@n6gn.ampr.org
- glenne@nmd.hpcom
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 89 01:01:36 GMT
- From: ka9q.bellcore.com!karn@bellcore.com (Phil Karn)
- Subject: AP Wire story on ham license fees
- Levin Pushes To Delete New Fees From Budget Bill
- Associated Press Writer
- WASHINGTON (AP) _ Amateur radio operators would be hit with
- first-ever registration fees under pending deficit reduction
- legislation, a slap at people who perform a valuable service when
- disaster strikes, Sen. Carl Levin said Monday.
- Senate leaders will try to remove the fees from the bill during
- negotiations with the House over the budget and tax package, said
- Levin, d-Mich.
- ``These are people who are critically needed in emergencies.
- They ask for nothing and they charge nothing,'' Levon said.
- The House and Senate versions of the budget bill would levy a
- $35 fee on amateur radio operators, also known as ``ham''
- operators, when they receive their initial licenses, which must be
- renewed every 10 years.
- That is not much money, acknowledged Perry Williams, spokesman
- for the American Amateur Radio League, which represents about
- 160,000 of the nation's 450,000 licensed ham operators.
- But he said operators would have to pay the fees each time they
- upgrade their licenses.
- ``You get kicked in the teeth for advancing your skills,''
- Williams said.
- It costs the Federal Communications Commission about $5 to
- process each license, Levin said. Higher fees than that ``would be
- like taxing a hobby, which doesn't make sense,'' he said.
- Ham operators have played a vital role in disasters such as
- earthquakes in Mexico in 1985 and in El Salvador in 1986, the crash
- at Detroit Metropolitan Airport in 1987 and Hurricane Hugo last
- month, Levin said.
- It was they who got word to the U.S. government of the need for
- troops to quell looting in the Virgin Islands after Hugo, Williams
- said.
- The proposed fees are among provisions that would raise $43
- million to cover the FCC's administrative costs in licensing radio
- stations, although Levin said it is not clear whose idea it was to
- apply the charges to ham operators.
- ``I haven't found anyone who defends it,'' he said.
- AP-NR-10-16-89 2047EDT
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Oct 89 17:21:11 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsm!mhgki!rma@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (atkins, robert m)
- Subject: ARRL, Good vs. Bad hams, QST .........
- For those who are tired of overcrowded bands and deliberate
- interference, and yearn for the days of "good" hams who built
- their own equipment and were acuallly helpful to others, I have
- a suggestion. Move up to microwaves. There is plenty of spectrum
- space (for now anyway!), most of the equipment is home-brew, people
- are tolerant, helpful and knowledgable and there is no QRM.
- Regarding "whining" about the changes in QST. I agree that complaining only
- here on the net is unproductive, but note that most of the posters have
- sent letters to ARRL directors/staff members and much of the complaining
- is about the responses. Don't forget that the content of QST is not
- determined by any elected officials. It is the choice of the editor,
- Paul Rinaldo. No consultation with any elected official is required.
- Now I'm sure that if enough complaints were received by the board of
- directors that something would be done, but that would be unlikely to
- happen. I'm sure they don't want to meddle with editorial policy and I
- think thats a good idea. No magazine editor could tolerate micro-managment
- by a committee - it would make his job impossible. If you don't like the
- content of QST, by all means write to your division director, but also
- let the editor know.
- Regarding QST coverage of special interest groups, I think that the areas
- of emerging technology should be given some special treatment. I don't
- operate packet or satellite but they are examples of evolving technology
- and deserve REGULAR coverage. The same applies to microwaves. As a
- technology matures there is less need for regular coverage and occasional
- articles can cover the interest groups (like QRP Tx/Rx for HF or
- trap dipoles for 40m). As I have said before, I think it is important thet
- the ARRL takes a leadership role in the development of emergent technologies
- and right now, I don't think its doing as good a job as it could. Its not
- all bad, and I certainly think ham radio would be in a worse state if the
- ARRL didn't exist. Constructive criticism is a healthy thing in a democratic
- organization and I'm glad to see that there is enough interest to stimulate
- debate.
- Bob Atkins, KA1GT
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 89 00:41:31 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
- Subject: ARRL and User Fees
- It should apply to EVERY license change or renewal process. Renewals
- are now 10 years and they COULD be changed to less, but I would not
- support it. I do however still want to make address changes not
- require a fee.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Oct 89 05:20:34 GMT
- From: virgin!ubbs-nh!noel@decvax.dec.com (N. Del More)
- Subject: Building A (Very) Low Cost Repeater
- I have it in mind to build a (very) low cost repeater for use here as
- well as for use as an "emergency" repeater.
- The idea that I have is to use two handhelds, probably two late model
- synthesized rigs.
- As I envision it one tranciever would be used primarily for the reciever,
- while the other would be used as the transmitter. A homebrew, or kit
- controller might be added at a later date as well as a linear amplifier
- for extending the range as necessary.
- I'd appreciate hearing any comments, suggestions or actual plans for such
- a set up, as well as any comments concerning possible low cost antenna
- confirgurations.
- For the purpose of experimentation I have available an Icom IC-2A and an
- IC-02AT, but if feasible, I would probably adapt the idea for use with
- something like a Tempo One (? is that right, boy its been a long time!
- ?) or one of the older synthesized handhelds such as one of the heathkit
- models.
- Thanks!
- Noel
- --
- Noel B. Del More | decvax!ubbs-nh!noel
- 17 Meredith Drive | noel@ubbs-nh.mv.com
- Nashua, New Hampshire 03063 | It's unix me son! `taint spozed tah make cents
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1989 21:04 EDT
- From: Dave Colvin <ppddc@uwocc1.uwo.ca>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 16 Oct 89 17:50:05 -0700
- From: judice@kyoa.enet.dec.com (Louis J. Judice 16-Oct-1989 2049)
- Subject: Help Repeal NJ Scanner Law!
- For NJ readers ONLY!
- As per Popular Communications, write or Mailgram ASAP to:
- Senator Newton E. Miller
- Chairman, Senate Transportation and Communications
- Subcommitte
- 10 Furler St.
- Totowa, NJ 07512
- Urge support passage for Senate Bill No. 3593 to repeal the provisions
- of NJS 2A:127-4.
- Do this TODAY!
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 89 04:50:35 GMT
- From: unmvax!ariel!hydra.unm.edu!ollie@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (David Oliver Eisman STUDEN)
- Subject: SSTV software for IBM?
- Hi. Is there a public domain SSTV software package for the IBM?
- What hardware would be required for receive-only?
- -----------------------------------------
- Ollie Eisman - N6LTJ ollie@hydra.unm.edu
- 3505 Lafayette Rd. NE #3, Albuq, NM 87107
- (505) 277-4845 or (505) 884-7848
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 89 01:11:53 GMT
- From: kitty!larry@uunet.uu.net (Larry Lippman)
- Subject: Starting over - after 30 years
- In article <5453@shlump.nac.dec.com>, rosch@cpdw.dec.com (Raymond Rosch) writes:
- > I have become interested in ham radio again after talking to a friend of a
- > friend who's a ham. I had a Novice license in 1960 - KN1WVG, built my
- > transmitter and receiver from kits - HEATHKIT.
- > ...
- > [ I learned Morse code on some 45rpm records in '59. Naturally
- > I've forgotten all of it ].
- Your article tickled my memory...
- I got my license about the same time (I was WA2QNO): 1959, the
- "Year of the 45-rpm Record". :-) The neat part about the 45 rpm code
- records is that you could get additional code practice by playing them
- at 78 rpm; while the pitch was obviously higher, it was still usable.
- However, I got to 13 wpm by other means. NOT by records. NOT by
- listening to W1AW. NOT by belonging to a radio club (although I did in
- fact belong to one).
- Nope, I learned code *proficiency* through a borrowed, gen-U-wine
- Instuctograph [tm]!
- Real Ham Radio Operators learn code only with an Instructograph [tm].
- In fact, only a Real Ham Radio Operator knows what an Instructograph [tm]
- *is*.
- :-)
- <> Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp. - Uniquex Corp. - Viatran Corp.
- <> UUCP {allegra|boulder|decvax|rutgers|watmath}!sunybcs!kitty!larry
- <> TEL 716/688-1231 | 716/773-1700 {hplabs|utzoo|uunet}!/ \uniquex!larry
- <> FAX 716/741-9635 | 716/773-2488 "Have you hugged your cat today?"
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Oct 89 17:13:19 GMT
- From: cadnetix.COM!cadnetix!rusty@uunet.uu.net (Rusty Carruth)
- Subject: the un-net on 10M
- First, I realized that I should probably make a clarification about
- what it is I am expecting the 10m usenet un-net to be. Its not a
- net, and its not a contest. Sure, I think it would be fun to get
- 'usenet WAS', but I don't think I'm 'paper chasing' since I would
- rather spend some time talking than just saying "UR 5-9 QRZed"
- and moving on.
- That out of the way, on to a quick review of last weekend (and a
- somewhat disjointed review, at that! today seems to be a pretty
- bad day for getting transitions done well... Must be Monday):
- Between 915 and 935 I talked to 3 other usenetters, 2 of them at
- once. The rest of the morning was spent goofing around trying
- to contact other people, with marginal success.
- I did discover that there appear to be a lot of usenetters 'out
- there' who have read-only access to usenet, which I found interesting.
- I made the offer to Rick and Dave, and I'll make it to anyone else,
- that if they *must* post something (or want to reply to someone), that
- I'll be happy to oblige them and post or email for them.
- One other thing I discovered is why my rig is not putting out
- full power. So week after next I should be up to full 100 watts
- (from around 10 or so) for the un-net, making contacts just a bit
- easier :-).
- I'm up to 5 states for usenet WAS: NJ (WA2ILB), NY (K2ILH), IN (WN9NBP),
- KY (KU4A), and CO (KF0BK) (pretty sad when it takes 5 weekends to
- get someone in your own state! :-). I enjoyed the contacts this
- weekend (and all previous weekends...)
- While Rick and I were talking, he mentioned the "CQ Pizza" debate,
- and that prompted Dave to realize that we were usenetters and so
- to join us. I commented later to my wife that maybe I should start
- calling:
- CQ CQ. CQ Usenet, CQ Pizza, CQ ...
- :-) :-)
- I'm curious. How many people are getting active on 10 on saturday for
- the un-net? (Email please, and I'll count up the totals and report them.
- Of course, if you have read-only access to usenet, then don't worry about
- responding :-)
- Well, I've rambled pretty badly here, so I'll quit now before
- ---Join the usenet un-net, 28.410 and/or 28.390, 1500Z to 1600Z saturdays!
- Rusty Carruth. Radio: N7IKQ ^^ or later :-)
- DOMAIN: rusty@cadnetix.com UUCP:{uunet,boulder}!cadnetix!rusty
- home: POB. 461, Lafayette 80026
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Oct 89 14:30:23 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsj!newsman@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (john.ferro..jr)
- Subject: WEFAX problems
- Does anybody reading this have any experience with a WEFAX demodulator
- kit from Software System Consulting? I purchased this kit not to long
- ago and must say that I have had a heck of a time producing any type of
- intelligible picture on my computer screen. The most i can get out of it
- is some type of chart that resembles a spider web. In some cases a white or
- black line is dividing the screen in half with small checker board patterns
- across the whole screen. As far as I can see I have all of the software
- parameters set correctly. I think my problem might be with the Clocks per
- pixel setting or the Timing setting. Although I have adjusted these settings,
- the picture doesn't seem to get any better.
- I would appreciate any comments or suggestions from
- people who have used or are using this package and are receiving quality
- FAX pictures from it.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Oct 89 17:03:41 GMT
- From: wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave@uunet.uu.net (dave hultberg)
- Subject: YAESU FT-301AD
- I have been offered a fellow ham's entire hf station. He is tired of hf and
- shifting to VHF packet. The transceiver in the deal is a Yaesu FT-301AD.
- Does anyone have any experience with this rig? Any info pro or con is welcome
- including suggested prices. The package price looks too good to pass up, but
- I would like to get a little more info on the rig. I think it is 10-80m ham
- bands only and 100 watts. That is all I know. I don't know how old the rig
- is or even if it is tube or solid state.
- 73 de Dave KA3UZR
- --
- ------------------| UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave |-------------------
- Dave Hultberg KA3UZR
- 1407 Concord Rd.
- Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Oct 89 20:51:19 GMT
- From: pasteur!navajo.berkeley.edu!bilbo@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Bill Baringer)
- Subject: Yaesu solves FT-470 Inter-Mod
- This may have already been mentioned in this group, but I just
- received a letter from Yaesu informing me that they've solved
- the intermod problem with the -470. Furthermore, if I just
- send them the radio, they'll repair the problem and ship it back,
- at no charge (I pay shipping to them). If you didn't receive
- such a letter, call them at (213) 404 2700.
- Unfortunately, I don't own a FT-470! I have a FT-411 with the
- same problem. They haven't come up with a mod for the -411, but
- they said they'd let me know as soon as they do.
- Hope this is of some help.
- Bill -KI6DG
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #772
- **************************************